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Meditation, Yoga, & Somatic Movement | Prajna Immersion at Yoga House with Tias & Surya Little

Meditation, Yoga, & Somatic Movement | Prajna Immersion at Yoga House with Tias & Surya Little

November 10-12, In-Studio only

Friday Nov. 10, 2-4:30pm
Essential Practice for Women with Surya

For all women vitality and health require attention to the cyclical changes that take place over the course of a lifetime. While practicing yoga, it is essential that each of us honor our unique physiology by listening to the inherent changes that take place within. By attending to our natural biorhythms, we tailor yoga practices specifically for the changes in our levels of energy, sleep patterns and hormonal rhythms. Dynamic and Restorative Yoga through supine and standing poses, this class supports women of all ages on the path of practice from menstruation to menopause. All practices for the hips, lower back and internal organs support restoration, radiant wellness, and optimal vitality.

Friday Nov. 10, 6-8pm
Nourishing  Breath, Blood, and Bone

This class guides students to reduce fatigue and stress buried in the body. We irrigate blood and lymph throughout the body in order to oxygenate and revitalize all bodily tissues focusing on hip work and inner leg releases to amplify prana. Guided Meditation and Restorative Yoga By the application of somatic movement with supported postures, we soothe the nervous system, empty strain and holding in the organic body and calm the mind. In this class we optimize the flow of prana in the body, rejuvenating all the cells of the body.

Saturday Nov. 11, 9:30am-12:30pm
The Storehouse of Vitality in the Deep Belly

The lower abdomen is the center for not only balance and support in the body, but also for  receptivity, prana and feeling. In all the internal arts, the lower belly is the seat of vitality, that is the source of the body’s internal breath. Yoga Bandha in the Sacral Chakra. In this practice we do twists, back arches and core work to tap into the vital reservoir of blood and chi in the lower abdomen. In this way we maintain the health of the uterus, bladder and colon and recharge the entire bioelectric field of the body.

Saturday Nov. 11, 2-5pm
Tides, Fluids and Flow

It is essential as we age to stay fluid in both mind and body. In this practice we sense into the quality of flow in our bloodstream, lymph channels, spine and extracellular fluid. We focus on refining our perceptual skills (interoception) in order to become more fluent in a capacity to sense and feel the tidal pulse of fluids. Guided Meditation, Somatic Healing and Yoga Nidra. We do practices for the spine, neck and shoulders to connect us back to our inherent potency (shakti) and to uncover the essential creative vitality within. Rather than learning movement from the "outside in", we emerge from the inside out. We end the class with yoga nidra to embody a still and fluid state within.

Sunday Nov. 12, 9:30am-12:30pm
Yoga and the Embodiment of Space

In the practice of yoga, we aim to cultivate space in all that we do. In practice, we look to generate space and freedom of movement in the joints, connective tissues, organs, and nerves. In this class, we create space and mobility in the hip joints, shoulders and spine. Yoga for the Hips,  Subtle Body Meditation and Pranayama. As our hips open, we practice pranayama we generate a free flowing breath to create space in the lungs and diaphragm. We create space not only inside the body but also in the mind and heart. In meditation practice, we cultivate a spacious awareness in order to experience the clear light of bliss.

Sunday Nov. 12, 2-5pm
Facilitated Release in Twisting Poses

Each yoga session should include a variety of twists in order to keep the spine healthy and supple. This mini training details many ways to assist students in twisting poses.
Learn Hands on Assist for the Sacral and Solar Chakras
Via manual assist and with the support of blocks and straps, you will gain new ideas as to how to help students release their hips, low back and shoulders in revolving poses. We cover supine, seated and standing twists. By the end of class you will feel totally invigorated, as if you have come from a 2 hour massage!

All 6 workshops $420, Early Bird $ 385 before 11/1
All 5 workshops $350, Early Bird $ 320 before 11/1
Bundle of 4 workshops $ 280, Early Bird $260 before 11/1
Single sessions $75

This workshop is in-studio only
Space is limited! Pre-registration required.
Please call 626-403-3961

October 28

Sound Bath: Retune with El Larson

December 2

Yoga Nidra: The Art of Deep Rest and Relaxation with Peggy Burt