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Main Gate: Welcoming Beneficial Energy Into Your Home with El Larson

Main Gate: Welcoming Beneficial Energy Into Your Home with El Larson

Saturday August 27, 2-4 PM 
In-Studio and Livestream

The front door is called the Main Gate, or Mouth of Chi, in Feng Shui. As with our bodies, there are methods and tools for bringing nourishing energy into our homes. Chinese Feng Shui and Indian Vastu Shastra are ancient practices of arranging spaces to invite energy that supports balance and specific life areas. After an introduction to these systems we will review common challenges that may prevent beneficial energy from entering and circulating through your home or apartment, and look at possible remedies (primarily from a Feng Shui perspective).

There will be time throughout the workshop to identify and discuss changes that can be made to your own front door and entryway. Attendees will be asked to bring pictures and a basic floorplan sketch. 

Following the workshop, you’ll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!

El Larson is a Wellness Designer and Sound Practitioner who works with sound and space to help balance internal and external environments. She is certified in Feng Shui (BTB school), the WELL and fitwel building standards, Tibetan Bowl sound healing, Reiki, and Ayurveda. 

El had practiced healing modalities for over 20 years when she sought to apply principles of balance and well being to public space and the built environment. She spent several years working at RoTo Architects understanding the design process and developing a wellness design practice. Today her wellness consultancy, heare, is based in Pasadena and offers remedies that span physical and metaphysical realms.

Before August 27 $45, Day of workshop $50
Space is limited! Pre-registration suggested.
Please call 626-403-3961

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